• Scott

    "Transformative. That is how I would simply describe the impact that Stephan has had on my life over the past several months. 52 years old and over 320 pounds, I had to make a change in my wellness. For the past 30 years, I would join a gym, be good about going and exercising on the elliptical for a few weeks and then I would quit. Once I started working with Steve, he built a passion in me that makes me excited to go to the gym everyday. His patience, expertise, and caring nature come through every minute. Only a few months into our training and I had dropped 40 pounds. He crafted a nutrition plan that fit into my lifestyle, not some fad diet, and nothing complex, just simple changes. Whether you are looking to lose weight or training for an upcoming event, Steve can be a tremendous partner in helping you achieve your life goals."

  • Samantha M.

    "Before working with Stephan, I felt very weak, skinny, and lost with nutrition. Since starting with him, I've become so strong and confident! In the past year I've gained 15 lean pounds, eating way more food than I thought I could, and finally feel like I have the muscle I've always wanted! He believes in me more than anyone and helps in any way possible! Nutrition and training have never come so natural to me, Stephan makes it so simple and effective and I can't thank him enough!"

  • Mike C.

    "I wasn't in terrible shape but my workouts and diet were stagnant. At the age of 52, 6'1" and 217 pounds I needed help to shake things up. Steve reviewed and changed my diet and made great changes to my workouts. I can proudly say I dropped 20 pounds and regained muscle mass that was lost over the natural aging process. Thanks to Steve I made permanent changes in what and how I eat, no fad diets here!"

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Questions? Reach out to Stephan!